Modern Diagnostics and Research centre is the top pathology lab in Gurgaon. Pathology tests cover blood tests, and tests on urine, stools (faces) and bodily tissues. A pathologist interprets the results of blood and pathology tests and looks for abnormalities that may point to disease, such as cancer and other chronic illnesses, or health risks, such as pre-diabetes. Existing diseases, deficiencies or any anticipatory future problems can also be identified. Sometimes we are suffering from diseases for a long time and the cause is not known. Then again simple diagnostic tests can help solve and identify the problem. These testing would include blood tests or even simple radiological imaging. All the diagnostic facilitates are available at the blood test center in Gurgaon.
Modern Diagnostics and Research centre is providing all diagnostic facilities under one at its centre in Gurgaon. The lab is equipped with state of the art machines that are supervised and run by highly trained technicians and under the supervision of the pathologist. Sometimes there is a requirement for radiological imaging along with the blood tests. Thus a proper study is undertaken in which the pathologist along with the radiologist correlate the reports and identify any discrepancies with the testing parameters.
Thus a thorough protocol is maintained and the patient identity along with their medical reporting is dearly taken care of. Call now 0124-6712000 or visit our website for more Details.